Prophetic Sunnah

The Quran is our main source of guidance and way of life but the Prophetic Sunnah is an ever-living example for us to follow. There are many instances where the Quran gives us the basic instructions but is then complemented and elaborated by either the words of Prophet Muhammad ( Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam ) or his actions. Don’t know how to apply a certain ruling or obligation in your life? Just follow the Prophet ( Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam ).


Each Sunnah You Follow Will Be Rewarded!

As it is commonly known, following the Sunnah is a form of worship and hence leads us towards reward in the Hereafter. These Sunnahs are everyday acts and very simple to implement in our lives, in fact, we should make it a goal to instill these Sunnahs into our daily lives.

I will be sharing numerous Sunnahs here as reminders to help us create a better, more rewardful, and fruitful Aakhirah. Sunnahs regarding every aspect of our lives from the smallest and simplest of actions to big events and occasions that arise in one’s life.


Sunnahs of Making Wudu

The Sunnahs Of Wudu20SEPTEMBER, 2023Discover the Sunnahs of making wudu and unlock the hidden...

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Just Four Words…

Just Four Words…

Just Four Words...04APRIL, 2021Assalam u alaikum, today I thought as my initial post I would share...

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