Quran Exegesis

Quran exegesis or more commonly known as Tafseer ul Quran is the in-depth study of the Holy Book of Allah and His Words in order to discover the intended meaning.


Why study Tafseer?

It is important for every Muslim to be able to understand the Quran and to study it, as it is the main source of our beliefs and rulings. Living life without understanding the Quran is like doing a degree and preparing for exams without taking a look at the main course textbook. Yes, you will get information from others but you won’t have that one-on-one conversation with the author.


What is included in

Uloom al Quran?

Asides from Tafseer, this section will also be dedicated to the following fields of Uloom al- Quran

  • Ar-Rasmul ‘Uthmaanee ( the Uthmanic Script)
  • I’jaaz al-Quran ( Miraculous aspects of Quran)
  • Asbaab an-Nuzool ( Reasons for revelations)
    • methods of wahy
    • types of wahy
  • Al Naasikh wal Mansookh ( Abrogating and abrogated verses)
  • I’raab al-Quran (Quranic Grammaer)
  • Ghareeb al-Quran ( Unusual Quranic terms)
