Adhkars & Dua’a

There are so many small dua’as and adhkar we can recite which can shift our scales from sins to reward immensely. If applied, they can act as shortcuts to a successful akhirah. Sadly, these are often neglected and my goal is to raise awareness so we can take advantage of them as much as possible.


Let’s keep in mind

The Etiquettes of Making Dua’a

Like everything else, making a dua’a also has some etiquettes. Yes, we can simply make a dua’a especially at times when it randomly comes out as a result of some emotion or situation. But, when there is time, etiquettes should be practiced to enrich our dua’as and raise the chances of them being accepted.

1. Be aware of the One you are Asking (tawheed)

2. Be sincere while making the Dua’a

3. Glorify Allah with His beautiful Names

4. Be and show Gratitude to Allah

5. Send Salutations to the Prophet ( sallalahu alaihi wasalam)

6. Ask with all your heart, knowing that you are asking the Provider and He is Listening and Will Provide


Just Four Words…

Just Four Words…

Just Four Words...04APRIL, 2021Assalam u alaikum, today I thought as my initial post I would share...

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