Dua for Breaking the Fast

Dua for Breaking the Fast

Dua for Ease in all matters


November, 2022

Mariam Ahmad

Mariam Ahmad

Writer, Creator and Founder of JDD

Do you ever go through problems and tough situations and bear them thinking they’re just normal tests of this Dunya?


Being human I believe we do this out of habit. Sometimes, more than we’d like to admit, we just let situations overwhelm us or cause us stress because we think it’s normal or that it’s not such a big deal and we can get through it.

But why wait and get through it? Yes being patient is always recommended and preached in Islam but another thing that’s also recommended is precaution.

Precaution over cure. It’s better to try and prevent a stressful situation instead of letting it happen and then try to solve it. And Allah has made Islam so beautiful and complete that there is always a way out of a difficulty if we turn to Allah and ask for His Protection and Blessings. A powerful and simple dua that you can use daily before doing any act that you’d like ease in is


A short and simple dua that can be memorized easily.

Try and make it a habit of reciting this before doing anything to attain ease an Allah’s blessings in all your tasks.


Remember, the best way to make a dua is with sincere intentions and to have firm complete Faith in Allah and His Abilities.

Let me know, if this dua makes a difference in your life.



Just Four Words…

Just Four Words…

Just Four Words…


APRIL, 2021

Assalam u alaikum, today I thought as my initial post I would share something that will benefit you immensely. In today’s time everyone is busy, trying to catch up on things before time runs out. We want to carry out acts of ibadah but it can seem time consuming. What we forget is that Allah made this religion as an ease for us, not to cause difficulty.

There are many times, you can see in the Quran or the Shariah where situations are simplified and made easy. We have many dua’as and acts of worship which don’t take much time while not cutting from the rewards. For example,


How beautiful it is that Islam does not enforce you to just sit all day in remembrance to gain great reward. You can simply recite these four words and receive immense reward..

Again putting emphasis on the quality and not the quantity. Do ponder over the translation of these four words and try to catch the powerful meaning and you will see how these are heavier on the scale than a whole morning’s worth of regular remembrance.

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