
Hadith and Sunnah are often confused with one another. Sunnah is an action of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasalam) and a hadith is the report of his ( Sallallahu alayhi wasalam) actions and sayings.


Did you know?

These reports are our main source of knowing the Prophet himself, his life, and Islamic rulings taught by him. It’s important for us to study the science of Hadith and to understand the basis and meanings behind them as well as their authenticity. After Islam had spread vastly, some individuals started spreading false sayings attributing them to the Prophet Muhammad ( Sallallahu Alayhi wasalam), as the sahabah and well-knowledged scholars had spread out, there were few to question their authenticity. Therefore, today we have many ahadith which are inauthentic but due to lack of knowledge, people aren’t aware of them.

Insha’Allah I will be sharing hadith which have been classified as authentic by well-known scholars and Sahabah along with their sources as well as inauthentic ahadith widely spread along with their reasons and evidence of in-authenticity.

What to look forward to in

Usool al-Hadith

Basically, Usool al-Hadith, Science of hadith, is the complete study of Hadith from its establishment to all that we know today. In this section I will include

  • Importance of Hadith
  • Compilation Process of Hadith through the years
  • Critical Conciousness of Hadith and it’s Isnaad
  • Basis of authenticity
  • Types of Hadith
  • Collections of Ahadith
  • Famous Hadith Scholars


Just Four Words…

Just Four Words…

Just Four Words...04APRIL, 2021Assalam u alaikum, today I thought as my initial post I would share...

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